Sunday, May 15, 2011

What are autism spectrum disorders?

“Autism spectrum disorders are disorders of communication, being able to relate socially, and self-regulation in individuals of all ages. It is generally accepted that the underpinning of autism spectrum disorders are central nervous system dysfunctions.”(Hints and Tips for Helping Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders by Dion E. Betts & Nancy J. Patrick)

Autism isn’t "a one piece fits all" kind of diagnosis. You may find your child having a few combinations, thus making his/ her autism unique from the others. Within the umbrella of autism you will find, Pervasive Developmental Disorder, Childhood Degenerative Disorder, Autism, and Asperger Syndrome. So how exactly can one know for sure, which are the exact combination.

One will find that children with autism spectrum disorder, face challenges in recalling past encounters to tie in with the present situation. They may find it challenging to focus, sequence, strategy, memorize or organize. All these skills are important for planning ahead and problem solving. However, one comforting aspect, is that normally, your child will face some of the above mentioned and not all of the above.

Should you wish to go into more theoretical details. All these activities, take place in a part of our brain called the frontal lobe.According to research, we come to know that the frontal lobe continues to develop into one adolescence. Some research states that there is an increase the the growth between the ages of seventeen to twenty.

Empathy is an emotion that children with autism struggle with. As it is, they struggle with understanding their own emotions, how could they possibly place themselves in the shoes of another. Should you know someone who has a child wit autism. Try to understand that it's hard for them. Try to be a little more tolerant when it comes to the child. Don't isolate them, try to include them. You will be surprised with the things you learn, when you open your heart and home. They can enrich your lives with new revelations.

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