Sunday, May 15, 2011

Pointers for Newcomers

I wished that when I started this journey, I had someone to advice me. So for the many of you, who are starting this journey, I would like to share these pointers with you.

  • Take a moment, alone. 
You so very much need this, believe me.  Rest as much as you can, you need this to re-energize yourself. Let it out, however safely you can. I did find a glass of wine comforting, at times. but I was very careful to to get addicted. On the days that I find, I cannot handle anymore, I send the boys to their room to play. Then get them to nap early, as I have my alone time with a glass of wine, in another room.

  • Observe your feelings, write them down. 
Cross them out once you have conquered them. Grief, pain, anger, resentment, etc.This helps you to empower yourself. As you overcome, one emotion after another.

  • Accept that you are only human.
Don't beat yourself up. You are only human, you will breakdown, if you run on continuously. There will be things that you cannot conquer. You may not win all the time. So, realize that you are only human and live life the best you can.

  • Try to adjust
With so many changes, it's not easy. Anyone will have a hard time, adjusting. So many constants in your life will change. Things that you rely on, may no longer be. So, embrace changes, that you can. Redirect your priorities and focus on what is important.

  • Learn to enjoy the little things in life
 If there is one thing that I learnt from Ivan, it is to appreciate the little things in life. I literally, stop to smell the roses and be thankful the little blessings in my life.

  • Equip yourself with information.
Ignorance is not always bliss. You will need to empower yourself with information. As much information as you can get your hands on. It will help you advocate on your child's behalf.

  • Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
Realize that tomorrow never comes, so do what you can today. Forget about yesterday, you can't change it. Don't worry too much about tomorrow, it never is predictable. So do your best today.

  • Learn to overpower autism, don't let it to enslave you and your family.
 As hard as it's going to be, there will be times that you find yourself triumphant over it. Hold on to those moments and, remember that you can be strong. Autism is just a part of your life, not your life.

  • Find family and friends who can help you.
 You can do with all the help you can get. Reach out to your family and friends, accept help from anyone who wished to try.

It's like doing the tango, autism takes a direction, then it's your turn. It's a dance, no one wins, but you can have fun along the way.

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