Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Aches and pains

A couple of days ago I had a migrane, I don't normally get these. My normal remedy would be to pop two asprins and take a warm shower followed by a power nap. Now, with the pregnancy, I could not pop the aspirin so easily. I was home alone with Ivan, and wanted him to be nearby as I rested. So I invited Ivan to sit by my bed and use his Ipad, so I could also keep an eye on him.

As I waited to doze it, I came to thinking, Ivan is now in his transition from twelve to thritheen, and I have never heard him complain of a headache or anything like that. That's pretty strange right, as humans, we all experience these discomforts. But how would he express his aches? How was he going to tell those around him that he was having a throbbing headache and wants to be left alone? That would be pretty challenging. How frustrated it must be for children like him?

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